Zero-energy residence inventories grow in 2018: Report

by sadia_badhon | August 16, 2019 9:22 am

Top 10 zero energy states/provinces by number of units. Image courtesy Team Zero[1]
Top 10 zero energy states/provinces by number of units.
Image courtesy Team Zero

The market for residential zero-energy buildings grew 59 per cent across Canada and the United States last year, according to a new report.

The Zero Energy Residential Buildings Study[2] released by Team Zero[3] documents 22,146 units that are either in design, construction, or operation. These include single and multifamily projects that are working to achieve zero energy or zero energy-ready performance.

This study, now in its fourth year, works to answer questions about the viability of zero-energy homes in different markets, climates, and political jurisdictions. Team Zero is a coalition of organizations, manufacturers, and others working to grow the market share of zero energy and zero energy-ready homes and commercial buildings.

Other findings of the study include:

  1. [Image]:
  2. Zero Energy Residential Buildings Study:
  3. Team Zero:

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