Workers’ compensation coverage changes in Ontario

by mbuckstein | January 16, 2013 10:48 am

The 2013 Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) coverage requirements now apply to industry workers off the jobsite. Photo © BigStockPhoto/Wally Stemberger.

Workers’ compensation insurance is now required for virtually everyone in the Ontario construction industry—not only workers but also business owners, independent operators, and sole proprietors.

This change in the province’s legislation, initiated by the Ministry of Labour, now affects those not previously covered by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) coverage but, there are some exceptions, explains the organization’s Christine Arnott.

“There are some exemptions to the new law for those who work exclusively in home renovation and for one designated executive officer or partner of a company who does not perform construction work,” she explained toConstruction Canada Online.

The new coverage costs vary from business to business, depending on activity and insurable income. WSIB provides benefits to industry workers injured on the job. These can include:

In an effort to make the transition easier for those now requiring coverage, registration, information, and assistance is available online at WSIB’s website.

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