Wood construction symposium coming this fall to GTA

by Katie Daniel | September 1, 2015 10:33 am

Cover page small[1]
On October 14, Ontario Wood Works! and FPInnovations will co-host a mid-rise wood-frame construction symposium and handbook launch in Vaughan, Ont. Photo courtesy Ontario Wood Works!

The Wood-frame Construction for Mid-rise Buildings symposium and handbook launch will take place on October 14 in Vaughan, Ont.

Co-hosted by research firm FPInnovations and Ontario Wood Works!, the symposium will feature case studies on mid-rise buildings in British Columbia and presentations reflecting the chapters of the handbook based on National Building Code of Canada (NBC) guidelines. Presentation topics include:

The Mid-rise Wood-frame Construction handbook consists of 10 multi-disciplinary chapters facilitating the design and construction of mid-rise wood-frame construction in Canada. It covers a broad array of design and construction topics and provides practical solutions by making use of the most recently developed technical and research information. It will assist architects, engineers, code consultants, developers, and building owners.

“Things have been exciting in Ontario since the building codes were changes this January 1 to permit six-storey wood-frame construction,” said Marianne Berube, executive director at Ontario Wood Works! “Builders and developers now have more ways to meet urban densification needs, increase housing affordability, and build with local resources. Many builders are looking at wood construction options and the new Mid-rise Wood-frame Construction handbook to help address technical questions as this market progresses.”

In other news, there is less than one month left to nominate projects for the 2015 Ontario Wood Works! Wood Design Awards. There is a new online form to make nominating easier and no submission fee. Nominations will be accepted until September 18.

Click here[2] to nominate a project.

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Cover-page-small.jpg
  2. here: https://www.conferenceabstracts.com/cfp2/login.asp?EventKey=DGOXSSOX

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wood-construction-symposium-coming-this-fall-to-gta/