What does COP 21 mean for building professionals?

This multifamily complex is net-zero housing project that uses polyiso on the roof.
Photo courtesy PIMA

Why the focus on buildings?
The building and construction sector is responsible for one-third of global greenhouse (GHG) gas emissions and is exposed to the impact of climate change. Built-up areas worldwide will nearly double by 2050. The economic, health, and social benefits of sustainable buildings are also significant. Buildings provide shelter and serve as places to live, work, learn, and socialize. Providing more than 50 per cent of global wealth, and as one of the largest employers at the local level, the sector also offers a path to poverty alleviation.

One of the most cost-effective and economically beneficial paths for reducing energy demand and associated emissions is offered by the buildings sector. There are numerous low-energy and renewable solutions available for new and retrofit construction. Many countries, organizations, and corporations have created policies and technologies supporting change. Thus, this sector is a high priority for action.

In Canada, efforts to reduce energy and emissions will be critical due to the ever-increasing number of commercial buildings. Studies estimate energy usage in commercial and institutional buildings increased by 39 per cent from 1990 to 2008.

During COP 21, the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) announced four new major commitments to help fight the battle against climate change in Canada.

  1. Supporting the industry to move toward the wide adoption of net-zero buildings in Canada. This will include the CaGBC working toward bringing a net-zero rating verification to Canada.
  2. Launching major action to increase investment in green buildings across Canada.
  3. Working with Canada’s federal, provincial, and municipal leaders, as well as government officials to support development and implementation of green building and sustainability policies across Canada.
  4. Working with CaGBC members and stakeholders to set and report against ambitious targets and action plans that will contribute to COP 21 goals.

Local Canadian communities are also taking action. Vancouver was the first city in the country to adopt a comprehensive strategy on adaptation. The city is currently working to implement changes, including updating the building code to account for increased frequency and severity of flooding, planting trees to make neighbourhoods more resilient to heat waves, and investing in backup power supplies in case of severe storms. In Halifax Harbour, the Halifax Regional Municipality has raised the minimum ground elevations for buildings in response to the anticipated sea level rise. Additionally, the federal government has assumed responsibilities by relocating Inuit communities whose buildings and lives are affected by declining sea ice.

Takeaways from COP 21
Businesses, architects, designers, and manufacturers operating internationally all play a role in the choice of products in the built environment. For years, the design and building communities have been trying to build more resilient, energy-efficient, and performance-driven buildings. Programs such as CaGBC’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification program, the Green Globes systems, or enhancements to the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) have been given a stronger voice with COP 21.

Changes to the nature of building design are also resulting from the COP 21. The climate agreement could change the nature of building design, where HVAC and boiler systems are moved to the roof to better protect buildings. In addition, the use of distributed generation power technologies is on the rise and is becoming a more sought after and preferred response to climate change. In fact, following COP 21, the Brazilian government launched a national incentive program for distributed generation, with a special focus on solar photovoltaics (PVs). The Brazilian program covers a spectrum of measures, including tax incentives and creates lines of credit.

Net-zero energy buildings verifications are a proposed new addition to Canada’s building community. Such buildings produce as much energy as they use on an annual basis and, in turn, account for all the energy used. In 2015, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) launched the ‘Path to Net Zero’ project—a four-year study to develop a framework and methodology for regionally sensitive construction recommendations. According to NRCan’s website,

These recommendations are aimed at gradually improving the energy efficiency of homes toward net-zero. The first study was conducted in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), in collaboration with builders who provided real costs and identified unique challenges. The next phases of builder-supported studies were conducted in Nova Scotia and the Eastern and Northern Ontario housing markets.

The rigorous climate conditions that the Canadian construction industry has operated under will help the country innovate and utilize proven technology to enhance the role of buildings during this environmental challenge.

Municipal governments will partner with the private sector to minimize threats to the coastal areas such as storm surge flooding and shoreline erosion, as well as dislocation of lives and livelihood. Given the widespread, disruptive impact-potential of predicted coastal changes that may occur from the Inuit communities to Prince Edward Island (PEI), it is essential to continue the partnership of the Canadian government with these building sectors, which are committed to dealing with mitigation and resilience initiatives.

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