Vancouver Island focuses on climate change

by nithya_caleb | February 27, 2018 8:45 am

On March 1, the Vancouver Island Chapter[1] of CSC will hold a mini trade show and luncheon meeting at Victoria Conference Centre[2] from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Robert Lepage, a building science research engineer from RDH Building Science[3], will make a presentation on “Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation[4].”

Lepage’s talk focuses on the steps being taken by the industry to address climate change adaptation and mitigation in an urban context. A discussion will be held on current provincial and local regulations, protocols, and resources, along with specific examples from British Columbia and key industries. The presentation is highly relevant to all disciplines within the building industry, including design professionals and contractors who want to prepare for the future.

The talk is held in collaboration with the Vancouver Island Chapter of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia[5] (AIBC). Registered AIBC members will receive one AIBC CES Core Learning Unit for attending.

For more information and to register, click here[6] or contact Terry Bergen[7].

  1. Vancouver Island Chapter:
  2. Victoria Conference Centre:
  3. RDH Building Science:
  4. Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation:
  5. Architectural Institute of British Columbia:
  6. here:
  7. Terry Bergen:

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