Vancouver Island discusses concrete pavements

by nithya_caleb | September 18, 2018 12:14 pm

Concrete BC[1] and Cement Association of Canada[2] (CAC) have organized a seminar series on “Sustainable Roadways[3].” This is open to CSC members as well. On Tuesday, October 16, Tim Smith, P.Eng. (Englobe), Leif G. Wathne, PE (American Concrete Pavement Association [ACPA]), and Shane Mulligan, P.Eng. (CAC), will present on “Concrete Pavements in British Columbia” at The Parkside Hotel & Spa[4], Victoria.

This seminar series will highlight the opportunities for concrete pavements, discussing the tools, materials, and techniques available to build, maintain, and repair municipal roads. An introduction to the benefits of concrete pavements from design, construction, and maintenance perspectives, including design examples under a variety of traffic conditions, will also be provided.

Click here to register[5].

  1. Concrete BC:
  2. Cement Association of Canada:
  3. Sustainable Roadways:
  4. The Parkside Hotel & Spa:
  5. register:

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