Toronto to host German sustainable building show

bio power plant with storage of wooden fuel (biomass) against blue sky
On June 9, the Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CGCIC) will showcase German best practices for energy-efficient buildings.
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The Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CGCIC) is holding its 2016 German Best Practice Award Showcase in Toronto on June 9.

The green building industry is invited to learn about green German technologies successfully used to increase building energy performance in Canada. The show will include workshops, networking opportunities, and a tour of Evergreen Brick Works—a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum-certified heritage structure.

Bluenose Academy in Nova Scotia and Viessmann Manufacturing were nominated for the best practice award. Bluenose Academy is the first government building in the province with a fully integrated wood pellet-fired biomass heating system and the first building in Canada to have a biomass system achieve LEED Gold. The other award nominee is Jacques Lemoyne-de-Saint-Marie Library in Québec and RAICO Bautechnik GmbH and IC2 Technologies. The library is one of 10 net-zero buildings in Canada and the first institutional building built to net-zero standards.

Presentations by green building professionals include:

  • “Designing for the Plus Energy Future,” by Thorsten Klaus, head of Building Systems at AH Aktiv-Haus GmbH;
  • “Market Transformation – Towards More Resilient and Regenerative Buildings in Canada,” by Tom Ponessa, director of programs at Sustainable Buildings Canada; and
  • “Off-the-shelf Key Glazing Envelope Technology for Passivhaus and Net Zero Buildings,” by François Bergeron, president at IC2 Technologies. (Read Bergeron’s Construction Canada piece about energy-efficient timber façades here).

For more information, click here.

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