by nithya_caleb | August 27, 2018 12:00 am
The Toronto Chapter[1] will have a dinner meeting on September 11 from 5:15 p.m. at Toronto Cricket Skating and Curling Club[2]. Mike Williams (RWDI) and Michelle Xuereb (Quadrangle Design) will be presenting on “Assessing and Designing for Resilience.”
In this presentation, Williams will discuss a case study highlighting work recently undertaken by RWDI to assess the resilience of more than 150 City of Toronto facilities. The presentation will be augmented by Xuereb who will provide a visual summary of some resiliency best practices to consider implementing when designing a new building.
A professional engineer, Williams is the leader of RWDI’s sustainability practice area. His recent experience includes the development of[3], a cloud-based energy benchmarking portal and the facilitation of over 30 integrated design charrettes.
Xuereb has contributed to more than 30 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design- (LEED) certified projects. Xuereb is the vice-chair of the board of Sustainable Buildings Canada[4] (SBC), and is a consultant for the City of Toronto on public sustainability standards such as Bird Friendly Development Guidelines[5], The Green Roof By-law[6], and the Toronto Green Standard[7] (TGS).
For more information, contact the Chapter’s administrator[8]. To register, click here[9].
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