Toronto mall receives world’s first retail Parksmart certifications

by nithya_caleb | October 23, 2018 12:01 pm

Toronto’s Yorkdale Shopping Centre is the recipient of Canada’s first Parksmart certifications. Photo courtesy GBCI Canada[1]
Toronto’s Yorkdale Shopping Centre is the recipient of Canada’s first Parksmart certifications.
Photo courtesy GBCI Canada

The Yorkdale Shopping Centre[2] in Toronto has received the world’s first retail certifications and Canada’s first Parksmart[3] certifications from Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) Canada[4]. It earned the Pioneer-level certificate for existing parking structures by achieving more than 90 points for its G Parkade southwest parking garage. Yorkdale’s newly constructed E Parkade east structure has been certified Parksmart Bronze for achieving between 110 and 134 points.

The sustainability measures contributing to these certifications include:

For Oxford Properties Group[5], the centre’s owner, the Parksmart certification process for both projects has highlighted opportunities to maximize and modernize parking assets, ensure strong returns on investment (ROI), and provide an enhanced parking experience for mall patrons.

As the world’s only rating system designed to advance sustainable mobility through smarter parking structure design and operation, Parksmart helps parking structure owners and managers future proof their assets and ensure they are functioning optimally to maximize operational savings.

  1. [Image]:
  2. Yorkdale Shopping Centre:
  3. Parksmart:
  4. Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) Canada:
  5. Oxford Properties Group:

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