Thermal analysis guide available

by jclancy | January 20, 2015 8:51 am

The Building Envelope Thermal Analysis (BETA) Guide is now available for download through B.C. Hydro. The resource, developed by engineering firm Morrison Hershfield, was co-sponsored by B.C. Hydro Power Smart, Canadian Wood Council (CWC), Fortis B.C., FPInnovations, and Homeowner Protection Office to address challenges facing the industry in terms of mitigating bridging to reduce building’s energy consumption. The guide includes a catalogue of the thermal performance of common building envelope assemblies and interface details, data to assist in understanding thermal bridging in codes, and an evaluation of cost-effectiveness of thermally efficient assemblies, interface details, and different insulation levels. The resource is useful for technical committees for energy standards, regulators, architects, mechanical designers, and energy modellers. Visit[1].


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