Tag Archives: Toronto Green Standard

Benefits of airtightness testing

Performing airtightness testing on Part 3 buildings has been limited to high-performance projects. However, there is now a trend of mandatory airtightness testing in North America. With the third version, the Toronto Green Standard (TGS) almost catches up with industry peers in Europe, Washington State, and British Columbia in requiring whole-building airtightness testing of Tier 2, 3, and 4 buildings.

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Tech-enhanced classrooms inspire collaboration at Toronto university

Welcoming its first students in September 2018, the Myhal Centre for Engineering Innovation & Entrepreneurship, University of Toronto (U of T), Ont., is designed to enable collaboration between researchers, students, industry partners, and alumni. This nine-level, energy efficient building includes prototyping facilities, multidisciplinary research hubs, design studios, and technology enhanced learning spaces.

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