Tag Archives: Sustainability

Turning Retrofits into Success Stories with IMPs: A success story in the making

In London, Ont., a multi-residential apartment building built in 1970 was beginning to show significant signs of wear and tear on its exterior clay through-the-wall (TTW) brick, and owners had to develop a plan. Having already undertaken smaller localized repairs in the past, new water penetration issues on the upper, west-facing floors where the building is susceptible to driving rains, were cause to go in another direction.

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Turning retrofits into success stories with IMPs

Driven by the principles of high-performance energy (HPE) buildings through government, energy codes, and the green building movement, building energy designs across Canada and around the world strive to improve. The increasing focus on the implementation of energy-efficiency requirements, for both new construction and deep energy retrofits for commercial and public buildings, begins with envelope-first energy efficiency, reduced energy demand loads, and related greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions.

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Sustainable projects sought in Manitoba

Nominations are now open for the 2014 Excellence in Sustainability Awards presented by the Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development.

The program began in 2008 in an effort to highlight the positive impact of design efforts. Individuals, businesses, or organizations in the province can be nominated in several categories.

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