Tag Archives: Sustainability

Bridge low-carbon building skills gap in Ontario: CaGBC

A new report by the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) provides an action plan to close the low-carbon building skills gap in the Ontario construction industry. With structures accounting for 30 per cent of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, addressing the current gap in low-carbon building skills is important if Canada is to meet its 2030-target of reducing emissions to 30 per cent below 2005 levels. In Ontario, the most country’s populous …

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Assessing thermal performance and resiliency of contemporary buildings

Energy and thermal performance requirements are growing and playing an increasingly significant role in building codes throughout North America. However, understanding and meeting these requirements has also become complex for designers. At the same time, it is clear important decisions regarding basic enclosure assembly design and window area need to be made early in the project to achieve the most cost-effective, energy-efficient, and comfortable building.

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Passive House certification in cold climates

Completed in the summer of 2018, Valleyview Town Hall in Alberta is the result of extensive collaboration between the municipality, contractor, and a team of designers and consultants working together to achieve the Passive House standard in a northern climate. This structure aims to become the first commercial building to achieve Passive House certification in Alberta and the first commercial building to obtain Passive House Plus certification in the world.

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