Tag Archives: SPF

Choosing SPF as an effective air barrier component

With varying degrees of detail and prescription, Canadian building codes—regardless of the model code—require all buildings to be provided with an air barrier. Where the language is more performance-oriented, such as in Part 5 of the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) and Part 3 of the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB), key concepts such as “system” and “continuity” are introduced as well as quantitative criteria.

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Sprayfoam in the Attic: When is venting appropriate?

For decades, designers of attics and crawlspaces have used cross-ventilation to minimize potential for moisture accumulation and condensation. However, spurred by recent claims of energy savings and moisture control, unvented attics have become popular in both residential and commercial applications. While these attics can be used in many circumstances, this author believes there are reasons to use vented assemblies in many situations.

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Environmental benefits of closed-cell sprayed polyurethane foam

A focus on green building standards and more stringent code requirements has led to adoption of best practices in construction materials and methods. Among those is specifying more efficient insulation systems, air barriers, and seamless monolithic roofing assemblies. Use of closed-cell sprayed polyurethane foam (ccSPF) can help meet the stringent requirements of modern, sustainable building design.

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