Tag Archives: specifications

Are your specs as up to date as you are?

You may have ‘typical’ specs to use as the basis of your next project specifications, but how helpful are they if not continuously renewed and updated? It is easy to keep older construction documents, using them over and over again for projects of the same nature. However, this is exactly what I strongly advise against, even if for a consecutive phase for the same building. Things change, and what seemed right for yesterday’s project may not be suitable for today’s one.

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Spec Matters: What does THAT mean?

English is complicated, and misinterpretation of written communication is pervasive. Without the added layer of subtleties of speech tone, body language, and context, many written sentences can be easily misinterpreted. This is especially true when it comes to specifications.

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Do you have your OMS?

The time requirements, and likely the initial cost, are the main obstacles to firms having their own office master specifications (OMS). However, it need not be such a frightening endeavour. In this article, I would like to share my experience, and show how having your own master specs can be achieved in a manner relatively easier than one might expect.

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