Tag Archives: Specification

Specifying the four roles of acoustic ceilings

The designer and specifier decide which of these roles the ceiling will take in any project. The ceiling can assume all, none, or any combination of the four roles. It is possible for the partitions and floor slab to provide adequate isolation without a ceiling. Mechanical equipment can be located remotely to sound-sensitive rooms. Absorption can be provided on other surfaces and via furnishing.

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The air/vapour barrier must die

The terms “air barrier” and “vapour retarder” (or “vapour barrier”) are perhaps some of the most poorly understood concepts in the construction industry. A general lack of understanding of the functions of these materials has resulted in simplistic rules-of- thumb. It is crucial the industry agrees on terminology that communicates the specific functions and purpose of these materials to avoid confusion and costly errors.

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North American steel specification updated to incorporate research advancements

Last month, the 2016 edition of the North American Specification for the Design of Cold-formed Steel Structural Members was published. This specification was the result of work by both the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Committee on Specifications for the Design of Cold-formed Steel Structural Members and the CSA Group Technical Committee on Cold-formed Steel Members.

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ISO helping to ‘green’ civil engineering

A new International Organization for Standardization/Technical Specification (ISO/TS) aims to streamline how environmental impacts of civil engineering projects are reported. ISO/TS 21929-2, Sustainability in Building Construction–Sustainability Indicators Part 2: Framework for the Development of Indicators for Civil Engineering Works establishes a core list of aspects and impacts for assessing sustainability performance of civil engineering works.

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