The City of Markham, Ont., has launched the Smart City Accelerator Research Program, in partnership with a telecommunications firm. The program will deploy several Internet of Things (IoT) applications to improve the efficiency of municipal operations and enhance city services for residents.
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Sejong, South Korea, is the world’s first city to receive the International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO’s) smart city certification. The ISO 37106, Sustainable cities and communities – Guidance on establishing smart city operating models for sustainable communities, designation is awarded by the British Standards Institution (BSI) to a city that has achieved world-class performance and maturity in light of the smart city framework.
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Sidewalk Labs has unveiled its design plan and vision for the public realms of the Quayside project in Toronto, such as parks, plazas, ground-floor shops, and sidewalks. Its proposal for this “smart neighbhourhood” includes modular pavements fitted with heating systems, building “raincoats,” flexible wall panels, and tall timber buildings.
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