York University (YorkU) has mapped out an initiative to renovate more than 785 public-use restrooms throughout the campus, with the help of Zeidler Architecture and Quasar Consulting Group.
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With a host of recent industry issues, including the tightening of labour markets, problems associated with moisture intrusion into wall cavities, heightened awareness of mould-related health problems, and a need for increased productivity at the jobsite, lightweight and waterproof foam tile backer boards are serving as a well-suited solution for Canadian projects.
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An unkempt, neglected, or outdated restroom makes people think a business does not go the extra mile for its customers or really care about what people think about its brand. A commercial restroom is an opportunity to separate from the standard, not just the subpar. Building professionals can adopt these design tips to ensure a pleasant customer journey all the way inside a business’s restroom, starting with the handwashing station.
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As water continues to become a scarcer natural resource around the globe and in North America, in particular, it may only be a matter of time before Canadian provinces begin adopting more stringent water-efficiency standards for commercial buildings.
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When it comes to faucets in commercial or institutional buildings, there are considerations specifiers should keep in mind for the right outcome—in other words, saving water without sacrificing performance. Besides every project being different, each type of facility has its own unique requirements. There are the water conditions, local codes, performance characteristics of the faucets, and a wide range of other variables that range from owner or contractor preference to material availability.
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