Aecon-EBC General Partnership (AEGP), a consortium between the two construction firms, will work on the first phase of a $245 million two-phase civil construction contract for the John Hart Dam Seismic Upgrade project in Campbell River, B.C., to improve the seismic resiliency of the dam.
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The Wind Engineering, Energy, and Environment (WindEEE) Research Facility received $3,887,057 federal grant aimed at helping advance the organization’s goal to enhance climate resiliency and sustainability of the built environment and strengthen the systems for climate and wind engineering education.
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A new ASTM International standard will support cost-effective ways for communities to respond, withstand, and recover from a wide range of potential catastrophes, such as natural hazards, utility outages, and human-caused disruptions.
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Climate change is already having an effect on communities across Canada. Some are facing increased droughts; others, more intense storms. Weather-related emergencies like heat waves, flooding, and forest fires are on the rise.
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Successful independent field-testing and code compliance analysis in British Columbia has resulted in the compilation of the first comprehensive set of residential construction details for insulating concrete forms (ICFs) in North America.
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Canada’s building codes have historically been formulated, at least in part, based on accumulated historic climate data that ultimately provides the essential criteria for most key building component performance characteristics. However, there are indications climate may be beginning to change. If buildings do, in fact, experience different environmental conditions over the next 40 years, these changes could potentially have a significant impact on our building stock.
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