Tag Archives: Quebec

Québec City to host historical preservation conference

The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT) is hosting its annual conference this fall in Québec City.

This year’s theme, Métissage, will reflect the history of the host city as well as the built environment and what is presented at the conference. APT promotes technologies used for conserving historical buildings and their surroundings. The event’s attendees will include architects, engineers, curators, and developers.

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National museum honours architect

The Canadian Museum of History is honouring famed architect, Douglas Cardinal, by naming an event and meeting room after him.

This year marks not only the 25th anniversary of the facility’s two adjoining buildings, but also the 80th birthday of the facility’s designer.

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SFI conference comes to Montréal

Registration is now open for the 19th Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) conference being held in Montréal this September.

The conference features various speakers including Habitat for Humanity Canada’s chief-operating office, Mark Rodgers, and The Conservation Fund’s president, Larry Selzer. Sessions will cover topics such as fostering sustainable communities, and growing certification through the value train.

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Canadian landmarks honoured for contributions

Toronto’s City Hall and Civic Square, and the Strutt House in Québec, have been recognized by Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) and Heritage Canada National Trust (HCNT) with the Prix du XXe siècle.

The award is presented to a landmark building that has made a lasting contribution to Canadian architecture and remains in use without being altered in such a way the original design intent was lost.

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