Tag Archives: Quebec

Québec aims to keep organized crime out of construction

New rules to combat fraud and corruption in Québec’s construction industry took effect in early September. The regulations stem from several recommendations of the Charbonneau Commission, a public inquiry into potential corruption in the management of public construction contracts.

Bill 162, An Act to Amend the Building Act and Other Legislative Provisions Mainly to Give Effect to Certain Charbonneau Commission Recommendations, was adopted by the Québec National Assembly in May, 2018.

The provincial agency …

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Glass-roofed Montréal garden highlight of downtown biergarten

As part of the $200-million revitalization of the Place Ville Marie Esplanade in Montréal, residents will soon enjoy a brand-new concept: A gourmet biergarten in the city’s downtown. Imagined by Sid Lee Architecture and A5 Hospitality, and executed by Sid Lee Architecture | Menkes Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architects in consortium, Le Carthcart Restaurants et Biergarten will open in late 2019.

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