Tag Archives: Plumbing

The importance of specifying a metering faucet

When it comes to faucets in commercial or institutional buildings, there are considerations specifiers should keep in mind for the right outcome—in other words, saving water without sacrificing performance. Besides every project being different, each type of facility has its own unique requirements. There are the water conditions, local codes, performance characteristics of the faucets, and a wide range of other variables that range from owner or contractor preference to material availability.

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Specifying HETs and HEUs in older buildings

The use of high-efficiency toilets (HETs) and high-efficiency urinals (HEUs) is becoming common practice in the development of many current commercial projects. While HETs and HEUs are now mandated by codes in many states and municipalities, engineers and specifiers are also choosing these water-saving products to meet green building criteria such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and to reduce operating costs that are being impacted by rising water rates.

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