Structural vibration mitigation varies by construction type and is far more complex than controlling airborne sound propagating within a space. Therefore, it becomes much more manageable by narrowing the focus down to those “in-room” issues which one can mitigate with diffusion and absorption.
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CentreCourt, a developer in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), unveiled their high-rise project launch of 2022, 252 Church.
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When someone enters an enclosed room, whether it is a private office or conference room, there is an expectation he or she is achieving not only visual privacy, but also sound privacy.
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Every day, people complain about the acoustic environments in the office buildings where they work. This is supported by the Center for the Built Environment at the University of California (UC) Berkeley, which maintains one of the most extensive post-occupancy building survey databases in the world.
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Architects often sell their clients on the promise of large overhead fans based on the argument of long-term energy savings from reduced reliance on HVAC.
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