To tap into the built environment’s full potential to improve well-being, one needs to better understand not only how noise negatively affects occupants’ physical and mental health, but the ways in which “the sonic aspect of buildings can be intentionally articulated to achieve a richer, more satisfying built environment: one that responds to the ear as well as the eye.”
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Managing sound transfer into and throughout a large commercial building can present a serious challenge. To help manage this issue, this article ranks seven innovative materials, from most to least comprehensive, which can reduce noise in commercial spaces.
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As we move toward taller timber buildings, fire and acoustics considerations for dwelling units above dwelling units is increasingly important. This article shares the results of National Research Council of Canada testing of various sound control assemblies to comply with new National Building Code of Canada (NBC) requirements. The results are beneficial for architects and specifiers working on wood-framed, multifamily structures.
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The sheer number of acoustic metrics, criteria, and associated abbreviations can be overwhelming, confusing, or sometimes misleading. This article provides an overview of key acoustic metrics and criteria commonly referred to in various building codes, design guidelines, and standards.
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