Tag Archives: National

Making sense of SPF applications

Sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF) has been used in Canadian construction and building for decades. It is a versatile product that can keep refrigerated commercial warehouses cool and homes warm, make rooms quieter and more comfortable, and also form a continuous seal when specified as a roofing product on a flat- or low-slope surface.

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Specifying combustible construction in Canada

As architects, engineers, and builders push toward using sustainable, ‘green,’ and cost-effective building materials, National Building Code of Canada’s (NBC’s) tight framework with regard to combustible construction is coming into the spotlight. Combustible and non-combustible construction, and combustible elements in buildings required to be of non-combustible construction, are terms with which most industry professionals are all too familiar. Materials permitted for use in construction depend on the occupancy, height, and area of the proposed structure.

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Creating a fire-safe construction site

Most construction site fires can be prevented. However, for those that do occur, the impact can be significantly lessened with knowledge, planning, and diligence. Understanding and addressing hazards and risks for each construction site requires education and training, as well as preparation and perseverance.

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Moisture management strategies for stone verandas

A comprehensive moisture management plan for any construction detail must include moisture-resistant materials (e.g. dampproofing, water-resistant barriers [WRBs], and waterproofing) and a slope-to-drain—a designed elevation change to direct liquid water to a desired low point away from, off of, and out of the construction detail. It also involves an unobstructed pathway/void for liquid water to exit the construction detail.

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Low-impact Development: Concrete options for porous pavements

Urban development significantly alters the natural landscape of Canadian communities, creating hardscape surfaces that prevent infiltration of water into soil surfaces and the subsequent increased runoff. These impervious surfaces disrupt rainwater from soaking into the ground, causing it to run across parking lots and streets, where it collects used motor oil, pesticides, fertilizers, and other pollutants on its way to local streams.

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Why asphalt roofing can be a top choice for non-residential projects

When building owners and facility managers review roofing options, there are many things to consider including performance, maintenance, weather-resistance, long-term cost, and energy efficiency. Choosing an appropriate roofing material has extended consequences. Today, manufacturers are making better and more versatile asphalt roofing systems for low-slope applications suitable for commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings.

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