Tag Archives: National

Adhesive-applied Roofing: A Canadian reality

Until recently, using asphalt to adhere roofing materials was likely the most popular attachment method. It was used for everything, from vapour retarders and insulation, to the thermal barrier and cover board. Even roof membranes were bonded in asphalt—the first ply of a two-ply modified bitumen (mod-bit) roof membrane or the entire four-ply ‘tar-and-gravel’ system got their share.

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Staying street SMART with project management

One’s ability to successfully manage a design/construction project, especially large-scale ones, requires understanding more than just the technical aspects of the work involved. A project manager’s job is to assist with the human side of a project’s organization. From mitigating to effects of politics on decision-making to keeping all the stakeholders in touch with each other, and motivated to succeed.

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Grounding HVAC Motor Shafts: Protecting bearings and lowering repair costs

Challenged to reduce energy consumption, facility managers are installing variable frequency drives (VFDs)—also known as inverters—in building HVAC systems. By allowing motors to run at less than full speed, these drives can yield energy savings of 20 to 30 per cent, but they also induce currents that can damage bearings and shorten motor life. The resulting repair costs can diminish any savings from their use.

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Acoustic considerations for metal ceilings

Whether specifying acoustic ceilings for classrooms, healthcare facility inpatient areas, or a business centre’s offices, it is important to remember the goal is ‘clarity,’ rather than ‘silence.’ Some spaces seek to project sound across a large distance, while others work to maintain privacy within a small space. Regardless of the application, a thoughtful selection of ceiling systems can contribute to a balanced design that mitigates unwanted noises and optimizes occupants’ comfort with desirable sounds and speech intelligibility.

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Building more durable balconies

Balcony slab repairs are perhaps the most disruptive project that can take place in a multi-residential building or hotel. Vibrations from the jackhammers that must be used to remove concrete can travel through the entire building, making it unbearable for residents who are home during the process.

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