Tag Archives: National

DC: The power to change buildings

Alternating current (AC) power won the ‘Battle of the Currents’ more than a century ago, but is it still the most practical means of power distribution? Certainly, AC power has been a reasonable choice for power distribution in the past, but due to changes in power generation, storage, and use, combined with advanced electronic technology and motivated by groups looking to move away from overdependence on traditional fossil fuel sources to cleaner alternative sources, it is quickly becoming apparent direct current (DC) could be making a comeback.

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Blistering Over Concrete: Getting ahead by going beneath the surface

Anyone involved with concrete finishing and protection—either through design, supply, or installation—is likely to have been affected by blistering and other moisture-related failures on floor finishes. A multi-million-dollar problem in North America, there are numerous reasons for such failures. However, a conversation being had more frequently today surrounds the relationship between alkali-silica reaction (ASR) and near-surface alkali reaction (NSAR) and finishing failures.

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Building taller with carbon fibre hoisting technology

Urbanization is the leading growth catalyst for cities, economies, and technologies around the world. More than half the global population already lives in urban areas, and the United Nations estimates by 2030, five billion people will be living in cities—up from 3.6 billion in 2010. According to Statistics Canada, 81 per cent of the population already lives in urban areas—a figure rising steadily year after year.

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The ultimate source of wasted energy

When it comes to green building, two particular questions are always at the forefront of any financial decision: Is there an additional cost? What is the expected return on investment (ROI)? With respect to energy efficiency, the single most cost-effective and profitable thing to do is recycle energy already being wasted.

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‘Testing’ versus ‘listing’

Concerns regarding the difference between ‘testing’ and ‘listing’ (or ‘certifying’) continue to be discussed and debated across Canada. Both the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) and the various provincial and territorial codes mandate products meet test standards designed to provide specific levels of product quality and performance. This article attempts to highlight and clarify some of the misconceptions regarding product testing and listings, why listings are necessary, and how to avoid potential liabilities.

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Harnessing the all-in-one aspects of tilt-up

Constructing buildings requires the skills and knowledge to meet the demands of speed of construction, energy efficiency, resiliency to environmental conditions, cost efficiency, and long-term durability. The tilt-up concrete method, which speaks to all these attributes, has steadily grown since the 1940s due in large part to the development of the mobile crane and advancements in ready-mixed concrete.

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Ensuring Energy Efficiency: Specifying windows and curtain walls for cold climates

New insulating glass and framing options can help reduce conductive heat loss from commercial building envelopes in cold climates, while minimizing potential for condensation on interior surfaces. High-performance framing options include three types of thermal barrier systems: polyurethane poured barriers, polyamide nylon thermal struts, and non-structural polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) separators.

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Perfecting Firestopping: Materials, techniques, and specifications to reduce building fire fatalities and injuries

Most construction specifiers, architects, engineers, and contractors are aware of the National Building Code of Canada’s (NBC’s) firestop compliances, but proper materials and application techniques are nevertheless often overlooked. This situation could lead to needless injuries and fatalities in a commercial building fire. However, using the correct firestop materials can save a project thousands of dollars without affecting efficacy or limiting life safety.

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Fire & Glass, Safety & Style: Specifying advanced fire-rated glazing

The trend to maximize the harnessing of natural daylight combined with environmentally responsible artificial lighting is increasing use of glass within interior spaces since it allows light to spread throughout the building. Glass also has the added benefit of providing clear vision between spaces, creating a sense of openness, connectivity, and security. However, what about separations or partitions that must meet fire-rated requirements?

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