Tag Archives: National

CaGBC seeks green schools across the country

The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC), along with the Canada Coalition for Green Schools, is looking for schools dedicated to sustainability for the 2016 Greenest School in Canada competition. The two organizations want to highlight kindergarten to Grade 12 schools exemplifying how sustainability can be woven into the infrastructure, culture, and curriculum.

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Canadian masonry for sound buildings

The effects of noise have been well-documented in studies by the World Health Organization (WHO).1 It can increase blood pressure or be a risk factor for coronary heart disease.2 It is known to cause stress and hostility, interfere with sleep, speech, and tasks, and to affect the body’s physical reactions and our relations with other people.

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Top tips for product presentations to interior designers

A vital part of any interior designer’s job is finding the right product to suit the client and project. There is much to comprehend before a product can be confidently specified, as new products continually become available, manufacturing processes are upgraded by technology, and environmental concerns gain importance. Designers rely on manufacturer representatives to provide critical information to assist them when selecting a product. The relationship between an interior designer and a manufacturer representative should be mutually beneficial.

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It takes a lightning protection system

Copper and aluminum are the most commonly used metals in a lightning protection system (LPS). Metals must be high grade to minimize electrical resistance to powerful lightning surges. Copper weathers to blend into dark-coloured surfaces and can be treated to accelerate patina. It can be used in contact with earth but should not be used where runoff contacts steel or aluminum. Bronze castings should be used for compatible fittings.

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