Tag Archives: National

What does COP 21 mean for building professionals?

Much attention has recently been given to the negotiations in France that resulted in the unprecedented Paris Agreement to combat climate change. This agreement, which limits the global average temperature rise to “well below” 2 C (3.6 F) compared to pre-industrial temperatures, will move designers to elevate new and existing building performance in two distinct ways: construction and resilience.

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Creating better masonry with material compatibility

The walls of today’s masonry buildings are becoming more complex than ever, with designs modified to meet new energy code requirements. This evolution means more components in walls than ever before, and they can all come from different manufacturers. One of a designer’s biggest challenges is deciding which materials will both meet the building’s needs and be compatible with one another.

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Dispelling the myth of the maintenance-free vegetated roof

Maintenance-free vegetated roofs do not exist. The intensity and the frequency of maintenance varies with the plantings chosen, the density and coverage of those plants, and the maturity. After making certain in the design and implementation of the vegetated roof that accessibility has been ensured and potential problems headed off, maintenance is essential to perform on a regular basis.

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