Tag Archives: Message from the President

Message From the President: How inadequate budgets and schedules impact contractors

Contractors want a smooth construction process, free of endless questions and revisions. However, when you combine their sharp pencils and acceptance of unrealistic deadlines with a consultant’s inadequate budget and schedule, risk levels escalate. Like the consultant discussed last issue, the contractor may not be able to provide his A-team (including top subcontractors), affecting delivery and quality of construction.

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Message From the President: CSC and Emerging Professionals—what’s the problem?

Over the past several years, a common concern voiced at CSC conferences is how the association promotes membership to recent graduates and new members of the construction community. A measurable objective about this has been included in our new “2015 and Beyond Strategic Plan,” which will be introduced at the Annual General Meeting in Winnipeg, and posted on the website for those members unable to attend Conference 2015.

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Message From the President: The ‘C’ in IFC

There’s been a growing reliance on documents issued during construction are modified to include changes made during the bid period. There is generally no contractual obligation to provide these updates—we do this because it is easier to interpret the design intent during the contract administration phase, and it is the modern version of the old days’ cut-and-paste method.

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