Tag Archives: Masonry

Stone adds a timeless quality to a Toronto landmark

The Aga Khan Park in Toronto includes three distinct stone elements on a 7-ha (17-acre) campus-like property. The Aga Khan Museum and Ismaili Centre are light-coloured stone buildings. The space between them encompasses reflecting granite pools, and stone accents. A formal 1-ha (2.5-acre) garden connects the structures. The whole complex is a cultural hub and represents Canada’s vibrant diversity.

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Creating better masonry with material compatibility

The walls of today’s masonry buildings are becoming more complex than ever, with designs modified to meet new energy code requirements. This evolution means more components in walls than ever before, and they can all come from different manufacturers. One of a designer’s biggest challenges is deciding which materials will both meet the building’s needs and be compatible with one another.

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Canadian masonry for sound buildings

The effects of noise have been well-documented in studies by the World Health Organization (WHO).1 It can increase blood pressure or be a risk factor for coronary heart disease.2 It is known to cause stress and hostility, interfere with sleep, speech, and tasks, and to affect the body’s physical reactions and our relations with other people.

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