Tag Archives: Keith Robinson

Message From The President: Proper Proprietary Specs

Specifications need to move away from the overly simplified and technically inadequate approach adopted over the last few decades. There must be a return to technically competent specifications firmly rooted in performance, with product listings illustrating the design intent and execution requirements. Specifications should indicate what is required, and avoid telling the constructor how to perform the work.

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Message From the President: Ever-changing Sustainability

Recently, I was researching into volatile organic compound (VOC) levels for epoxy coatings to meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Healthcare requirements. I was well aware of the different levels of familiarity with sustainable measures, and how challenging they are to incorporate into specifications. Why is there no guideline document to help write specifications for this? But then I remembered the planned CSC Green Tek-Aid… and why it never came to be.

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Specs overrule drawings… no, really?!

Many specifiers have been called into an uncomfortable meeting with a request to clarify exactly what was intended by the written words in the project manual. One can often be left with the feeling the only reason he or she is there is to take the blame when a satisfactory conclusion has not otherwise come to fruition.

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