Tag Archives: Insulation

Achieving beauty and durability with continuous insulation

Combining multiple esthetics is the standard rather than the exception in building exteriors. And since the days of monolithic design are long gone, architects are pushing the limits by integrating materials to create a modern, sophisticated look. At the same time, no designer can afford to sacrifice performance for an eye-catching look. Ever-evolving, stricter building codes, and heightened expectations from building owners now demand the right balance between beauty and durability.

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Fixing thermal bridging in masonry foundation walls

Thermal bridges occur all over a building in transitions, terminations, and penetrations. Foundation to wall transitions, balcony projections, window and door openings, and roof parapets can all serve as thermal bridges. However, while identifying areas where thermal bridging can occur is a relatively straightforward process; some areas were harder to solve until recently, as they involved junctions where masonry loads are applied to the foundation below.

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Masonry Wall Systems and Insulation investigated in latest ebook

Today’s high-performance building market is driven by increasingly stringent energy codes and a growing demand for greater building efficiency, sustainability, and affordability. This means specifying and building masonry cavity walls and adhered masonry walls with materials working together as a functioning system is more critical than ever. When designing a highly functional masonry wall, the list of wall system performance criteria an architect must consider is daunting.

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