Tag Archives: IAQ

Vancouver Passive House affordable housing development gets green light

Ryder Architecture has received unanimous approval from the Vancouver city council for their Passive House affordable housing development in Vancouver for the non-profit organization Brightside Community Homes Foundation. The development’s design is in response to the foundation’s ideals, namely the mandate to build and foster resilient communities for those who struggle to meet the demands of market housing.

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Benefits of airtightness testing

Performing airtightness testing on Part 3 buildings has been limited to high-performance projects. However, there is now a trend of mandatory airtightness testing in North America. With the third version, the Toronto Green Standard (TGS) almost catches up with industry peers in Europe, Washington State, and British Columbia in requiring whole-building airtightness testing of Tier 2, 3, and 4 buildings.

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Healthier Indoor Air: Reducing harmful emissions from building materials and consumer products

What could be more fundamental than the air we breathe? As it is invisible and a part of everyday life, people can sometimes take the quality of air for granted. Indoor air in Canadian buildings may contain hundreds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)—a diverse group of chemicals emitted as a gas at room temperature that often reach higher concentrations than outdoors.

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