Tag Archives: Green

Embracing the living wall mystique

In today’s commercial interiors, it is vital that spaces for workers, visitors, and suppliers exude a welcoming, vibrant, and ‘dressed for success’ ambiance. Living plants can be a much-needed component of any commercial building’s interior design, as they have the innate ability to transform the space naturally.

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Have you downloaded your free e-books yet?

A suite of e-books, collecting some of the best and most popular Construction Canada articles, is now available free of charge. The anthologies bring together diverse stories on five topics—acoustics, sustainability, concrete, thermal insulation, and wood design—in full-colour pdfs for you to download and enjoy online or off.

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How new climate change policy could impact design/construction companies

From Paris to provincial legislatures, big changes are coming in Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHG) regime, with Canadian companies—and large carbon-emitters across a range of industries—still determining what the impacts will be on their bottom lines. This includes design/construction companies. At the same time, the renewed public and private-sector focus on climate change will lead to increased opportunities for Canadian design professionals to implement and improve industry-leading solutions.

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Ingenuity Drives Innovative Design: What Canadian projects can learn from Dutch design

Last fall, members of the construction and design community from around the world were invited to participate in an architectural tour of the Netherlands to see how the country is designing and redeveloping recognizable buildings. Despite the distance separating the countries, it was interesting to note some of the parallels with Canada in terms of technologies and strategies, as well as what Canadians can learn from Dutch design approaches.

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