Tag Archives: FPInnovations

Wood construction symposium coming this fall to GTA

The Wood-frame Construction for Mid-rise Buildings symposium and handbook launch will take place on October 14 in Vaughan, Ont. Co-hosted by research firm FPInnovations and Ontario Wood Works!, the symposium will feature case studies on mid-rise buildings in British Columbia and presentations reflecting the chapters of the handbook based on National Building Code of Canada (NBC) guidelines.

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Québec allowing lumber use for 12-storey buildings

Québec Premier Phillipe Couillard recently announced the provincial government’s change to regulation so buildings up to 12-storeys can be built with lumber. After a consultation from Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ), the provincial agency responsible for the building code, and research institute FPInnovations (FPI), the province decided to make the change to help promote the use of wood in construction.

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