Architects and building engineers can be confident that no matter the angle, thickness, or complexity of a given wall, roof, or foundation, an HFO closed cell spray foam can fufil their vision and avoid the need for redesigns during the construction process.
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Thermal bridges occur all over a building in transitions, terminations, and penetrations. Foundation to wall transitions, balcony projections, window and door openings, and roof parapets can all serve as thermal bridges. However, while identifying areas where thermal bridging can occur is a relatively straightforward process; some areas were harder to solve until recently, as they involved junctions where masonry loads are applied to the foundation below.
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Zero-lot-line-construction typically requires the application of blindside waterproofing to various types of shoring conditions. Some waterproofing consultants and professionals feel redundant waterproofing is the most effective method in these conditions.
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Interest in energy-efficient buildings is alive and well in Canada. A majority of building professionals surveyed (56 per cent) report that more than 30 per cent of their current projects are considered by them to be ‘green,’ according to the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC).
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Designing new buildings to meet both current and potential future hazards makes good business sense. This is particularly the case when pre-emptive protection measures have much lower costs in comparison to retrofits. One example involves proactively dealing with infiltration of radon and other soil gases (e.g. methane) into indoor air. Radon is a radioactive gas emitted by the decay of naturally occurring uranium in soil.
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