Tag Archives: Formaldehyde

Specifying formaldehyde-absorbing wallboard

Last spring, several members of Group2 Architecture Interior Design, revisited their plans for an office space in Edmonton after hearing a wallboard that absorbs one of the highest concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)—formaldehyde. The firm’s new lease was for a 478-m2 (5150-sf) top floor plate in a nine-storey building. They were to completely remodel the space, adding new framework and drywall, among other things.

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Understanding formaldehyde emissions and health

The Canadian and U.S. economies are inextricably linked—trade between the two countries is the equivalent of $1.6 billion daily, while almost 300,000 people cross the border every 24 hours, according to U.S. Department of State statistics released in June 2012. Due to the interconnected economies, legislators, regulators, and business leaders in both countries work co-operatively and closely on a range of issues of mutual concern, including matters such as environmental protection and sustainability.

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