Tag Archives: façade

Achieving beauty and durability with continuous insulation

Combining multiple esthetics is the standard rather than the exception in building exteriors. And since the days of monolithic design are long gone, architects are pushing the limits by integrating materials to create a modern, sophisticated look. At the same time, no designer can afford to sacrifice performance for an eye-catching look. Ever-evolving, stricter building codes, and heightened expectations from building owners now demand the right balance between beauty and durability.

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Danger Overhead: Ensuring future access for the façade

It is safe to suggest there are many architects and building owners who do not like the ‘industrial look’ associated with the means of façade access. However, once a beautiful building is occupied, there must be a way for others to maintain, repair, and inspect the claddings and façades well above the ground. Early inclusion in a design may minimize the esthetic impact.

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