Tag Archives: Esthetics

Top tips for product presentations to interior designers

A vital part of any interior designer’s job is finding the right product to suit the client and project. There is much to comprehend before a product can be confidently specified, as new products continually become available, manufacturing processes are upgraded by technology, and environmental concerns gain importance. Designers rely on manufacturer representatives to provide critical information to assist them when selecting a product. The relationship between an interior designer and a manufacturer representative should be mutually beneficial.

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Transforming architecture with copper

Structures across Canada are turning green in more ways than one. The Beaty Lundin Visitor Centre (Britannia Beach, B.C.), the University of Toronto at Mississauga Campus Instructional Centre, and Oshawa’s University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) are examples of buildings clad in copper—a material that naturally turns green, and is 100 per cent recyclable.

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