Tag Archives: Energy code

Better blankets for greener buildings

The scientific community has virtually agreed the planet’s atmosphere is changing due to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by human activities. The Paris Conference’s agreement, within the structure of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in December 2015, marks a change in direction toward a greener planet.

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Thermal bridging at brick ties

Insulation placed in the exterior air cavity between brick veneer and a backup wall is now common practice; however, accounting for the reduction in thermal performance as a result of thermal bridging at brick ties is not. As the building enclosure’s actual thermal performance becomes more important and integrated into the overall design of other building systems, a clear understanding of thermal bridging and its impact on effective R-values is needed. Brick ties are only one example of a thermal bridge in the building enclosure, but a close look at their significance illustrates how important it is to account for thermal bridging.

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