Tag Archives: EIFS

Exploring EIFS’ long-term sustainability

In the early 1990s, there were mixed opinions about what could, and what should not, be done with exterior insulation and finishing systems (EIFS) as an exterior cladding. However, at that time over 20 years ago, the EIFS industry began the conversion from barrier wall assemblies to rainscreens. Concerns about face-sealed claddings, due to incidental moisture intrusion, led to EIFS manufacturers incorporating a drainage plane in their assemblies for incidental moisture.

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EIFS and thermal bridging

A study by Pennsylvania Housing Research Center (PHRC) showed significant reductions in centre-of-cavity R-value for steel-framed wall assemblies, reducing it by as much as 56 per cent when a framing factor (i.e. thermal bridging) was taken into account to measure R-value.

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EIFS and sustainable design

Exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS) can economically provide energy efficiency and reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emission levels. However, without durability as the cornerstone of sustainable design, most other ‘green’ attributes of products or systems are lost. Fortunately, with proper installation and integration, these cladding assemblies also offer long-term performance and durability.

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