Roof construction has evolved beyond simple waterproofing. Learn how modern roofing integrates building science, sustainability, and engineering to meet today’s performance demands.
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An unkempt, neglected, or outdated restroom makes people think a business does not go the extra mile for its customers or really care about what people think about its brand. A commercial restroom is an opportunity to separate from the standard, not just the subpar. Building professionals can adopt these design tips to ensure a pleasant customer journey all the way inside a business’s restroom, starting with the handwashing station.
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Cost-effectiveness, working time, flow efficiency, and sustainability are all important concerns when considering the right fix for damaged piping systems. However, during the planning process, it is best to take an inside look at the system to see the root of the problem, the options available, and how to prevent the likelihood of a reoccurring issue.
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The use of high-efficiency toilets (HETs) and high-efficiency urinals (HEUs) is becoming common practice in the development of many current commercial projects. While HETs and HEUs are now mandated by codes in many states and municipalities, engineers and specifiers are also choosing these water-saving products to meet green building criteria such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and to reduce operating costs that are being impacted by rising water rates.
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