CSC is holding a free webinar on “Deferred Design: Management of Design Solutions by Contractors” on Wednesday, April 15, from 1 to 2 p.m.
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The Calgary and Edmonton Chapter’s is holding a joint be presentation on “Deferred/Delegated/Assigned Design Practices – Good, Bad or Ugly it is a Concept that Requires Discussion.” The luncheon takes place on Tuesday, October 8, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Cambridge Red Deer Hotel and Conference Centre.
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Design professionals have deferred aspects of design responsibility to contractors as long as there have been architects, engineers, and contractors. This approach works best when final design of specific elements is resolved as a component of construction deliverables, rather than a detailed portion of the construction document set.
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To properly complete deferred design, a solid understanding of the regulations surrounding shop drawings, specifications, and submittals is necessary. However, guidance governing best practice expectations for treatment of various types of submittals is fractured between several engineering and architectural associations.
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Design professionals have deferred aspects of design responsibility to contractors as long as there have been architects, engineers, and contractors. This approach works best when final design of specific elements is resolved as a component of construction deliverables, rather than a detailed portion of the construction document set.
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Recent changes to professional design services and construction procurement have led to deferring design responsibility to the construction phase of the work. The design community can take leadership on this issue and act on necessary improvements to communication with the constructor.
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