Tag Archives: CSC

CSC Toronto scholarship helps remove financial barrier

The Toronto Chapter’s Fred Clarke Memorial Scholarship at Centennial College, Toronto, helps create a life-changing opportunity for a student wishing to pursue post-secondary education. The scholarship helps remove financial barriers and aims to send an empowering message of encouragement. Through this scholarship, the chapter lets students know they believe in them and are willing to invest in their future.

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Calgary Chapter hosts summer social

CSC Calgary has organized a Pedal Pub bike tour on Friday, July 24, from 1 to 4 p.m. starting at the Pedal Pub Calgary HQ. Spots are limited, and is on first come, first serve basis. Two bikes that seat 15 people each are available. Bikes leave at 1:30 p.m. for a two-hour tour. Those who do not make the bike tour can still come for the networking afterward.

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CSC Edmonton to hold virtual meeting

The Edmonton Chapter is holding its annual chapter meeting online on Tuesday, September 15, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Members will have the opportunity to learn of the chapter’s initiatives and accomplishments of the past year, and meet the chapter executive for the 2020-2021 season. A zoom meeting invitation along with the agenda will be sent out to registrants on September 14.

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CSC Saskatoon hosts golf day

The Saskatoon Chapter is hosting a golf day at the Moon Lake Golf and Country Club on Wednesday, June 17, starting 1 p.m. Everyone will pay for their own golf, nine holes or 18, cart or no cart. Payment for nine holes is $34 for walking and $52 with cart. For 18 holes, the charge is $55 for walking and $79 with cart.

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Winnipeg Chapter gears up for tee time

CSC Winnipeg is holding its annual golf tournament on Tuesday, September 22, at the Glendale Golf & Country Club. Happy hour is from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. followed by shotgun start at 11 a.m. Individual play is sorted into fix flights. The price per golfer is $135, which includes happy hour, green fee, shared golf cart, dinner, and prizes.

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