Tag Archives: CSC

CSC Calgary explores LEED

On Tuesday, November 14, the Calgary Chapter of CSC is organizing a dinner meeting on the latest version (v4) of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program. Lindsey Dru, BID, LEED AP (Herman Miller), will provide an overview of the rating system by using the Canada Green Building Council’s (CaGBC’s) Vancouver office project as an example.

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Registrations on PCD, CCA, and SP courses

CSC is hosting its Principles of Construction Documentation (PCD) course from November 22 to 26 in Toronto. The association will also be running a Construction Contract Administrator (CCA) course from March 21 to 25, again in Toronto. The CSC Specifier course—held March 19 to 25—is also open for registration.

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Message From the President: CSC and Emerging Professionals—what’s the problem?

Over the past several years, a common concern voiced at CSC conferences is how the association promotes membership to recent graduates and new members of the construction community. A measurable objective about this has been included in our new “2015 and Beyond Strategic Plan,” which will be introduced at the Annual General Meeting in Winnipeg, and posted on the website for those members unable to attend Conference 2015.

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Message From The President: Proper Proprietary Specs

Specifications need to move away from the overly simplified and technically inadequate approach adopted over the last few decades. There must be a return to technically competent specifications firmly rooted in performance, with product listings illustrating the design intent and execution requirements. Specifications should indicate what is required, and avoid telling the constructor how to perform the work.

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