Concrete floors are popular choices as they are extremely durable and long-lasting if installed, cured, and finished properly. However, issues can arise during or after installation, and construction professionals must know how to diagnose and fix these concrete flooring challenges.
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There is one thing you can count on with basements: given enough time, cracks will appear. Every crack tells a different story, but whatever the cause they need to be dealt with quickly, to avoid further damage.
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Anecdotal evidence suggests cracking of concrete structures and components appears to be on the rise, often resulting in conflict between involved parties. Sometimes described as severe and/or excessive, it appears the cracks occurred even when specifications were strictly followed and the concrete designed, supplied, placed, and cured in accordance with formal standards and good practices of the construction industry.
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The Governments of Canada and Québec are committing to spend $30 million over three years to help those homeowners affected by pyrrhotite, which has caused concrete cracking in the Mauricie region of the province.
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