Tag Archives: carbon footprint

Reducing The Carbon Footprint: Updating and re-skinning building façades

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are being released into the atmosphere with potentially devastating consequences. A large amount of GHGs from this country can be attributed to operating buildings, but not enough is being done to reduce this. Scientists calculate the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) needs to be stabilized in the atmosphere at no more than 350 parts per million (ppm) to prevent runaway global warming.

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ICFs and the new green standards

As sustainable building has become the preferred (or, occasionally, required) construction method throughout North America, design professionals are turning to insulating concrete forms (ICFs). When comprising the building envelope, these materials provide occupants with a safe, clean, healthy, and comfortable environment in which to live and work. Whether residential multi-family, commercial new construction, school, theatre, healthcare, or retail, ICF structures also help reduce a building’s carbon footprint—their insulation can mean less energy to heat and cool than is needed in structures built with conventional materials.

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