Effective as of May, the BC Building Code introduced changes to require better energy efficiency in most new buildings in the province, and either encourage or require lower carbon emissions in new buildings.
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Although flexible design can provide long-lasting solutions for most architectural projects, it provides several unique benefits for a healthcare facility. As the past few years have shown, a healthcare centre’s ability to quickly respond to shifts in patient and staff needs can have a substantial impact on patient outcomes as well as the general public’s health and well-being.
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CSC Calgary is holding a virtual lunch meeting on prompt payment and Alberta’s Builders’ Lien Act on Tuesday, February 9, from 12 to 1:30 p.m.
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Curtain wall systems provide excellent access to daylight and views that are desired by the building owners and occupants for health and productivity. However, the increasing stringency of building codes has created a conflict with delivering highly glazed buildings because the glazed areas are less thermally efficient than opaque walls.
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The Toronto Chapter is holding a dinner meeting on “Accessibility in Buildings: Myths, Errors, and Omissions”. The event will take place at the Toronto Cricket, Skating, and Curling Club on Tuesday, February 5, starting at 5:15 p.m.
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