Tag Archives: British Columbia

Waterproofing shotcrete at VanDusen Botanical Gardens

Unlike the traditional method of pouring concrete into a moulded form, shotcrete involves spraying concrete from a high-pressure hose, allowing the structure to be builtup in layers. This method is being specified for foundations, building tanks, and parking garages because it saves time and money, requiring half the forming and equipment of regular cast-in-place methods, while also allowing for considerable design flexibility.

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Design allows Surrey Health Centre to optimize workflow

The Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre (Surrey, B.C.) provides a pioneering model for patient- and family-centred care in Canada by embracing the latest advances in healthcare delivery and medical treatment. Designed by Kasian Architecture Interior Design & Planning Ltd., the strategic use of ‘lean design’ and evidence-based design (EBD) principles helps minimize patient waiting times, streamline service processes, and reduce occupational inefficiencies.

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